In Finnish

Telegram from the Moscow Legation to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, October 30, 1940

After the Aaland Island affair, Assistant Commissar for Foreign Affairs Vyshinski said that he had a grave matter to discuss: The Petsamo nickel concession, a matter which the Finnish Government has been delaying for months. He had in front of him the same notes as Molotov had had. He referred to the notification made by Ambassador Cripps and said that the Finnish Government could arrange the matter, but did not wish to do so, and was using pretexts. I answered that the nickel company had given a written categorical refusal, and that the British Minister in Helsinki had quite recently reported that Great Britain did not want the concession to be transferred. In the circumstances we can do nothing in the concession matter. I suggested a long-term contract to deliver nickel. To my remark that we could not take away the concession from the British, M. Vyshinski replied by asking whether Finland was a British colony. The USSR has regarded Finland as an independent state, and wishes to respect her independence. He asked if it was our final reply, adding that in that case the USSR would be compelled to take the measures which the situation demanded. A long conversation ensued on the subject, and M. Vyshinski asked me to give the final answer of the Finnish Government in two or three days. He regarded the matter of deliveries as something apart from the concession. I promised to return to the subject in two or three days. It is my impression that the USSR will not drop the matter.

Source: Finland reveals her secret documents on Soviet policy, March 1940—June 1941. Doc. nr. 37. Wilfred Funk, New York 1941.
The book is a verbatim translation of the "Blue-White Book" published by the Foreign Ministry of Finland, 1941.

Finland in the Soviet foreign policy 1939-1940